We Succeed Together
It's not easy to hand your life over to a coach, to fully trust them with your whole body's health and wellness. But those who are brave enough to trust the process, dedicated enough to work through the challenges, and consistent enough to show up every day reap amazing benefits.
Love R Bodies is meant to take the guess work out of your results; show up, do the work, find your ultimate self.
Sarah V.

Sarah's Original Goal:
Gain better balance; Have healthier eating habits; Lose weight
Sarah Achieved:
☑️30lb weight loss ☑️Balanced eating Habits ☑️Muscle Strength and Endurance
What Sarah has to say:
"I can’t say enough great things about my trainer Rachel Wever/ Love R Bodies!! Her program has kept me accountable to health and wellness like nothing ever has. She is professional and kind even when she has to get me back on track... I love that her program focuses on overall physical and mental health so that it’s not just a fad diet but health for life. If you’ve ever thought about hiring a professional to help achieve your health and wellness goals I highly recommend her!!"
Liz L.
Liz's Original Goal:
Lose weight; Get her body moving; Able to move and play with her son.
Liz Achieved:
☑️37lb weight loss ☑️Mended Metabolism ☑️Gratitude Mentality & Perseverance
What Liz has to say:
"I’m grateful to still be in your program. I’m not really sure what condition my body would be in right now if I hadn’t joined your program. With the pandemic, I imagine I would have sat around and played video games or watched tv the whole time. The best thing about the past year was starting your program."

Garrett J.
Garrett's Original Goal:
Lose weight/muffin Top; Feel better; Strengthen back/core
Garrett Achieved:
☑️10lb weight loss ☑️Strong & Protected lower back ☑️How to stay healthy with work/travel
What Garrett has to say:
"Was a great experience and learned a ton. Will be back for some more help soon..."
Amanda G.
Amanda's Original Goal:
Feel strong and athletic again; Create healthy eating habits; Ditch food guilt
Amanda Achieved:
☑️9lb & 6.8in overall loss ☑️Balanced Eating Routine/ Mentality ☑️Muscle/ Core Strength
What Amanda has to say:
"I LOVE how we’re starting this program with the whole foods... I don’t think the thought would have even crossed my mind that I shouldn’t be putting random things into my body...I’m VERY HAPPY with my choice to work with you. I feel very comfortable with you and this program makes me feel good."
Jim W.
Jim's Original Goal:
Lose weight & gain muscle, Fitness Routine/Habits, Create a healthy eating lifestyle
Jim Achieved:
☑️15lb Weight Loss ☑️Nixed Soda Drinking Habit ☑️Lowered Body Fat %/ Gained Muscle
What Jim has to say:
"Grateful for: Coach Rachel's Program...In all seriousness, this was a huge help. I would never have gotten where I am on my own. At best I would have gone to the gym but still eat whatever I want...I've learned a lot."
Nathan W.
Nathan's Original Goal:
Lose muffin top, Breakthrough fitness plateaus, Healthier food choices and eating habits
Nathan Achieved:
☑️15lb Weight Loss ☑️Nixed Soda Drinking Habit ☑️Lowered Body Fat %/ Gained Muscle
What Nathan has to say:
"Grateful for... You. Simply put I didn't know I needed a coach but apparently I did. I had the will but was missing the education, knowledge, and tools. Best decision I made in 2020 was asking you to be my coach."

We Respect Your Privacy
Some of our clients don't feel comfortable sharing their photos, but still have great things to say...
"I absolutely love what you have done for my life Rachel... I can never tell you how much this program has meant to me, seriously life changing!!! I appreciate everything you have done for me...I know without a doubt I can stick with this plan for the rest of my life!!"
- Rebecca R.
"I woke up at 135 today, which I haven't seen in over a year!"
- Marsha B.
"I went below 119 today. I swear
I haven’t weighed below 120 for like 10 years. I’m sooo excited."
- Grace K.
"Grateful to have a plan towards better health! Feels nice to know what I should do every day as in eating and exercising etc."
- Patricia J.
"Grateful for having gained so much knowledge over the past 5 weeks and seeing some tone and definition start to come through." - Jordan W.