So you may have noticed I haven’t posted on a while. Part of that is because I was on vacation(s) which I included a slideshow of so you believe me when I say that even I let loose and have fun from time to time. 🙃 But to be quite honest with you, because of these vacations, and the unfortunate perfectly-aligned-timing of misfortunes in several of my clients lives, Love R Bodies hasn’t seen its best months this summer.
And quite frankly, I was mad. I felt frustrated and angry that something I’ve put my heart and energy into for the last year and a half had let me down. This wasn’t part of my business plan. This isn’t part of my visualizations for life and for achieving my overall purpose of helping others… backsliding simply just isn’t part of the plan.
But I was forced to face the fact that it apparently IS part of the plan, and there’s nothing I can do to change that. It’s not my fault, it’s not the fault of my clients, and I’m not a failure because of it. It’s just a circumstance that I now need to learn to navigate.
Even as I write "I’m not a failure," I’m tearing up. It’s been a very emotional past couple of months and failing is a huge trigger for me. BUT here’s my chance to practice what I preach and change my negative thought patterns to include the truth instead of lies.
👎🏻The Lie: I am a failure.
👍🏻The Truth: I haven’t failed until I give up.
And I’m not giving up.
I’m not throwing in the towel and wallowing In endless episodes on Netflix while my business fizzles into a mere attempt to do SOMETHING meaningful with my life. No! 🙅🏼♀️ I’m fighting for this. Im fighting for my God-given purpose, and I’m fighting to keep Love R Bodies' mission alive and thriving.
Don’t get me wrong, I had my pity party. I had my moments of reaching for the emergency ejection switch because it’s so tempting to to take the easy road out. But what does that mean for all the lives I’m meant to touch? What does that mean for all the people that struggle with self love, the people who are caught in endless cycles of bad diets and working themselves to the bone in the gym because they hate their bodies? What happens to them, what happens to YOU, if I give up?
I simply, can’t.
Giving up is not an option and never has been. I must choose to find a way, and in doing so I will grow my level of perseverance exponentially.
So what am I doing to keep Love R Bodies afloat? I’ve picked up 2 part time jobs and am hoping for a 3rd. Great news for those of you in #denver you will soon have the option to train with me IN PERSON through fun group classes!! And keep your eyes peeled for more options with Love R Bodies programming, including a scaled down version that will be great for those wanting to sample the program on a more economical budget! I’m also diving back into the wine business now that I found a winery that aligns with my nutrition program's guidelines. That’s right, wine can fit into your fitness goals! I'm proud and excited to be an independent wine consultant for #scoutandcellar!
How do I know I have what it takes to pull through for you, and for me? Two things: 1. My sounding boards/support system 2. My past experiences
My sounding boards, the wise sages of my life, if you will 🧐: The moment I told my direct support line that I was having doubts and anxiety they all came through in a huge way, helping me rewrite my negative thoughts, helping me remember the truth and my goals, and by simply not allowing me to give up. They helped me brainstorm ideas, and pushed me to make intelligent decisions towards my ultimate goals. (You know who you are, thank you, love you all!)
My past experiences: Any time I feel "less than" or "incapable" I remind myself that this CAN'T be true by looking back to all the hardships I have already overcome in my short time here on Earth. I've moved to Italy and Peru, both times not planning to return to the US. Things didn't go as planned and both times, I came home. I don't look at either of those attempts as being a failure. I learned SO MUCH through both of those experiences and I am better now for it. Even though I was broken, sad, confused, and felt lost after each experience, I kept going. Every day I took one right step in a direction that felt good and eventually I came out on top.
Your personal stories of preserving don't have to be so drastic. Just the other day I walked to the grocery store to get a 12pk of my favorite beverage (fizzy water, don't get excited) and on the way home, in the 90° weather, the box broke in the middle of me crossing the road, during a very busy time of day. But I quickly scooped up the spraying cans, adjusted my grip on the box, and carried on. As I walked the wind shifted and the cans were now spraying me in the face, on the leg, and really just all over. I had to divert my path to a trash can in the park. I chugged what was left of my delicious beverages (I'm Welsh, we don't waste), I adjusted my grip again, wiped my legs off, and continued home where I still had 10 yummy waters to enjoy that week.
What did this typical daily snafu teach me? Sometimes it takes a few moments of being uncomfortable to reap a long-term benefit. Perseverance is about seeing a hardship, adjusting based on the current challenge, learning from the situation, and continuing forward with gusto through every step of the journey. And this applies to every aspect of life, not just business, not just fitness, but everything.
So that is all for this week my friends. If you’re struggling right now and you want to give up, if life has thrown you so many stones that you feel like you're at the bottom of a well without a rope, you are not alone. And, You are not done. You already have IN YOU what it takes to push through, persevere, and come out on top. If any of your frustrations are with health, nutrition, or mindset you know I’m here to help. If not, I’m still here for encouragement and will be your biggest cheerleader should you need one. ❤️
